Looking to start a new career? The full-time adult education application for fall 2022 is open now!  | Loveland Magazine

2022-07-23 07:40:28 By : Mr. psstled Colin

Full-Time Programs • Technical • Industrial Health • Medical • Business • Computers • Public Safety Services • Personal Enrichment • Testing/Assessments • Motorcycle Classes • Online Classes (Ed2go)

Start enrolling in January for the August program!

All major areas of required ASE expertise will be covered including tune-up and front-end alignment, engine performance, suspension and steering, transmisson, brakes, colling system, and electricial/electronics trouble-shooting. An ASE (Automotive Serivce Excellence) Certified Program.

Click here for more information on the Auto Program enrollment process

Start enrolling in January for the August program!Learn machine tool set-up and basic machining skills, basic computer numeric control (CNC) and computer-assisted drafting (CAD), plus blueprint reading and interpretation of drawings and symbols. Students are eligible to learn CPR/First Aid, OSHA, NIMS (National Institute for Metalworking Skills), and FANUC CNC certifications.

Click here for more information on the CNC Program enrollment process

Start enrolling in January for the August program!Learn residental carpentry, electrical, and plumbing skills as you earn NCCER credentials. Master a wide range of hand and power tools and read building plans. Students are eligible to earn NCCER, CPR, and OSHA certifications.

Click here for more information on the Construction Program enrollment process

Start enrolling in January for the August program!Join a fast growing profession! Learn to assist chairside during operative and specialty procedures, understand X-ray processes, learn basic types of impression materials, and identify and use basic types of dental lab equipment. Review office receptionist duties. Learn CPR, first aid, oral hygiene, and preventative dentistry techniques. Students prepare to take exams for radiographer, CODA, and DANB. BCI and FBI record checks are required prior to enrollment.

Click here for more information on the Dental Program enrollment process

Start enrolling in January for the August program!Learn the all-important aspects of electrical and electronic repair and maintenance. Besides learning how to use test instrumentation such as digital voltmeters, oscilloscopes, and logic probes, you will also learn how to program PLCs and troubleshoot electrical motors and motor control circuitry. In addition, you will learn how to read ladder-logic diagrams and be introduced to pneumatics, hydraulics, and robotics. Students are eligible to earn the MSSC safety certification.

Click here for more information on the EMMT Program enrollment process

Fire & Emergency Medical Rescue Academy

The Fire Academy offers 675 hours/18 weeks of EMS, fire, fire pumper, hazardous materials training, and technical rescue instruction from our nationally and internationally recognized faculty. All graduates of the accredited program recieve Pro Board certifications and are eligible to take examinations for Ohio FF, EMT, Hazard Recognition Officer (FIre Inspector I), and National Registry of EMT credentials. Must pass a physical exam and background check (at additional cost) before enrollment into the program.

Heating/Ventilating & Air Conditioning

Start enrolling in January for the August program!Learn to install, service, and maintain gas, oil, and electric furnaces, boilers, air conditioners, and heat pumps, preparing you for industry-required certification and employment. Accredited by PAHRA (Partnership for Air Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Accreditation). Students are eligible to earn ICE and EPA certifications.

Click here for more information on the HVAC Program enrollment process

Heavy Equipment Operations & Engineering

Start enrolling in now for the February program!Heavy Equipment Operations is one of the highest paying careers in the construction industry. Using state-of-the-art heavy equipment, students receive extensive training to operate power construction equipment: dozers, scrapers, backhoes, excavators, skid steers, compactors, tractors, and front-end loaders. Students earn NCCER certifications.

Click here for more information on the HEO Program enrollment process

Start enrolling in January for the August program!Learn all aspects of diesel engine service and repair on buses, trucks, over-the-road trucks, construction equipment, emergency service vehicles, aircraft tuggers, and railroad equipment. Assemble, adjust, repair, and maintain hydraulic systems and drive trains, electrical and cooling systems, and steering and suspension systems. Students are eligible to earn ASE certifications. NATEF accredited.

Click here for more information on the Diesel Program enrollment process

The Police Academy offers over 800 hours of police training under the direction of a State Certified Police Academy Commander. Succesful completion of this course and passing the Ohio Peace Officer Certification Exam is the first step to certification in the State of Ohio by the Ohio Peace Officer Training Commision. This certification eligibility is the gateway to inclusion in a class of individuals who are sought by many police recruiters. This program is accredited by OPOTA and Ohio Peace Officers Training Academy. Candiates must pass a physical exam before enrollment into the academy.

The Police Academy offers over 800 hours of police training under the direction of a State Certified Police Academy Commander. Succesful completion of this course and passing the Ohio Peace Officer Certification Exam is the first step to certification in the State of Ohio by the Ohio Peace Officer Training Commision. This certification eligibility is the gateway to inclusion in a class of individuals who are sought by many police recruiters. This program is accredited by OPOTA and Ohio Peace Officers Training Academy. Candiates must pass a physical exam before enrollment into the academy.

Police Academy- Custom April 22-024

The Police Academy offers over 800 hours of police training under the direction of a State Certified Police Academy Commander. Succesful completion of this course and passing the Ohio Peace Officer Certification Exam is the first step to certification in the State of Ohio by the Ohio Peace Officer Training Commision. This certification eligibility is the gateway to inclusion in a class of individuals who are sought by many police recruiters. This program is accredited by OPOTA and Ohio Peace Officers Training Academy. Candiates must pass a physical exam before enrollment into the academy.

Start enrolling in January for the August program!Precision and excellent hand/eye coordination are important for the welding program. You will learn various types of welds and cutting operations as well as fabrication, quality control, weld testing, and blueprint reading. Through this program, you will have the opportunity to become a certified welder. Other career pathways might include welding inspector, metal fabricator, or sales. Students are eligible to earn AWS certifications.

Click here for more information on the Welding Program enrollment process

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